Top 10 Restaurants in Mendoza
|My 2013 guide to Mendoza’s finest eateries.

Visitors to Mendoza — city and province — tend to have their eye on one pressing matter, and one pressing matter only: fermented grape juice. The reputation of Argentina’s greatest wine-producing province precedes it, however: it’s not just Malbec and its sibling varietals that are hogging the spotlight. A host of restaurants in Mendoza are making waves with their gastronomical and enological offerings, from steak flame-grilled seven ways to closed-door establishments and Asian fusion cuisine. If you missed out on the glorious Masters of Food & Wine Mendoza event taking place 1-4 May, never fear — you can play catch-up with our lowdown on 10 of the best eateries in and around Mendoza.
City Slickers
Siete Cocinas
Siete Cocinas is a veritable United Nations under one roof, gastronomically speaking, given chef and owner Pablo Del Río’s diverse menu. Offering seven regional cuisines, Del Río’s fascinating fare runs the length and breadth of Argentina to include northern provinces Salta and Jujuy, also known as NOA, as well as Andean Patagonia and the Argentine Coast among others, ensuring he uses produce that replicates the different flavours and textures of each.
For the rest of this story please check out the The Real Argentina May, 2013
Ph: Courtesy of Mun at Casarena